Democratizing Coffee since 1994
In 3 decades AMBEX has done more than honor a centuries long tradition: We've started a new one. Guided by international expertise, we combine cutting edge engineering with impactful customer feedback to create the perfect roasting experience. Whether you're back for your third YM-120 or are just starting up your coffee shop we're excited to start our journey together and get the right roaster in your hands.
About Our Roasters
Partnering with some of the most experienced coffee technicians in Turkey (and thus the world) Ambex was able to create the one of a kind line of roasters offered today. Boasting US moving parts, Turkish metalworking, and American labor Ambex roasters are the industry standard. Backed by an unfaltering commitment to customer satisfaction and unbeatable price point Ambex has generated a reputation of excellence.

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From Refugees to Roasters
The story of Ambex is the story of the American dream. In December 1992 Amer and family arrived in Clearwater, FL escaping the fallout of Yugoslavia, the bloodiest European conflict since World War II. Stripped of everything but the clothes on their backs and grit of their teeth the family pinched pennies and opened up a coffee shop. Realizing that their real passion lied in working with the coffee roaster they had in the back, the shop pivoted to manufacturing coffee roasters instead.